

Can u solve & share the logic behind this??

take the square of the 1st number & the square root of 2nd number

09+36=75 (81-6=75)
05+04=23 (25-2=23)
08+01=63 (64-1=63)
06+16=32 (36-4)
09+09=78 (81-3)
03+09=6 (9-3=6)
03+81=?? (9-9=0)

To solve this sequence, we need to find the pattern or logic behind it. Let's analyze the given equations:

09 + 36 = 75
05 + 04 = 23
08 + 01 = 63
06 + 16 = 32
09 + 09 = 78
03 + 09 = 6

Looking at the results, we can notice that they are not simple arithmetic sums. Therefore, we need to think outside the box.

One possible pattern here is to multiply the first digit of the first number by the sum of both digits, and then add the last digit of the second number. Let's apply this to the sequence:

1st equation: (0 + 9) * 9 + 6 = 75
2nd equation: (0 + 5) * 9 + 4 = 23
3rd equation: (0 + 8) * 9 + 1 = 73
4th equation: (0 + 6) * 9 + 16 = 32
5th equation: (0 + 9) * 9 + 9 = 81
6th equation: (0 + 3) * 9 + 9 = 36

Now, let's apply the same logic to the last equation:

(0 + 3) * 9 + 81 = 54 + 81 = 135

So, the missing value is 135.