I you are given two real numbers, explain how to determine which one is lesser.

if the numbers are a and b,

a-b is positive if a>b
a-b is negative is a<b

To determine which one of the two real numbers is lesser, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Compare the two numbers
Take the two real numbers you are given and directly compare them. Look at the numerical value of each number.

Step 2: Identify the lesser number
If one number is numerically smaller than the other, you have identified the lesser number. For example, if the first number is 5 and the second number is 8, then the first number (5) is the lesser number.

Step 3: Consider negative numbers
If both numbers are negative, the number with the greater absolute value will be considered the lesser number. For example, if the first number is -7 and the second number is -3, then the first number (-7) will still be considered the lesser number.

Step 4: Evaluate fractions and decimals
When dealing with fractions or decimals, you may need to simplify or convert them to a common denominator before comparing. This will help determine which one is lesser.

Step 5: Use a number line (optional)
If you are having difficulty comparing the numbers mentally, you can draw a number line and mark the two numbers on it. This visual representation can help you determine which number is lesser by visually seeing their relative positions on the number line.

By following these steps, you can easily determine which one of the two real numbers is lesser.