trying to lift an 8-N load that is attached to a fixed 2 pulley system. Hands move a distance of 1.6m while the load moves 0.8m, what is the force required to lift the load?

I am thinking the the answer is
1.6 divided by 0.8 am i on the right track? what is the formula for this please?

To determine the force required to lift the load, you can use the concept of mechanical advantage in a pulley system. In a fixed 2-pulley system, each side of the rope is supporting half of the load, which means the load is distributed evenly between the two sides.

The formula to calculate the mechanical advantage in a pulley system is MA = Load / Effort, where MA represents the mechanical advantage.

In this case, the load is 8 N (Newtons). To find the effort, we need to calculate the work done by the hands.

The formula for work is W = Force × Distance, where W represents work, Force represents the force applied, and Distance represents the displacement.

Given that the hands move a distance of 1.6 m while the load moves 0.8 m, we can set up an equation:

Force × 1.6 m = 8 N × 0.8 m


Force × 1.6 = 6.4

Divide both sides by 1.6:

Force = 6.4 / 1.6

Force = 4 N

Therefore, the force required to lift the load in this fixed 2-pulley system would be 4 N.

To find the force required to lift the load using a pulley system, you need to understand the concept of mechanical advantage. In a pulley system, the mechanical advantage is the ratio of the load distance to the effort distance.

In your case, the load distance is 0.8m (the distance the load moves), and the effort distance is 1.6m (the distance your hands move). The formula to calculate the mechanical advantage is:

Mechanical Advantage = Load distance / Effort distance

Therefore, in your example, the mechanical advantage would be:

Mechanical Advantage = 0.8m / 1.6m = 0.5

Now, to find the force required to lift the load, you need to multiply the mechanical advantage by the load force. In this case, the load force is given as 8N.

Force required = Mechanical Advantage * Load force
Force required = 0.5 * 8N = 4N

So, the force required to lift the 8-N load using a fixed 2 pulley system is 4N.