
solve for z

multiply each term by 2z

4 = 6 - z

Can you take it from here?

z=-2 ???

No, z is 2

To solve for z in the equation 2/z = 3/z - 1/2, we can start by getting rid of the fractions.

First, we can find a common denominator for the terms on the right side of the equation, which is 2z.

The equation becomes:

2/z = (3z)/(2z) - (1)/(2)

Next, we can simplify the terms on the right side of the equation:

2/z = (3z - 1)/(2z)

Now, we can cross-multiply to eliminate the fractions:

(2)(2z) = (3z - 1)(z)

4z = 3z^2 - z

Rearranging the equation and setting it equal to zero:

3z^2 - z - 4z = 0

3z^2 - 5z = 0

We can factor out a z:

z(3z - 5) = 0

Thus, either z = 0 or (3z - 5) = 0

Solving for z in the second equation:

3z - 5 = 0
3z = 5
z = 5/3

Therefore, the solutions to the equation are z = 0 and z = 5/3.