The compound 1-iodododecane is a nonvolatile liquid with a densityof . Thedensity of mercury is.What doyou predict for the height of a barometer column based on1-iodododecane, when the atmospheric pressureis 748 ?

answer in meters

You have omitted the densities needed to answer the question.

You have also not told us the units being used to measure pressure. I assume it is torr ( mm H g)

To determine the height of the barometer column using 1-iodododecane as the liquid, we need to apply the principle of hydrostatic pressure. The equation for hydrostatic pressure is:

P = ρgh

P = pressure
ρ = density of the liquid
g = acceleration due to gravity
h = height of the liquid column

Density of 1-iodododecane = ρ1 = (value not provided)
Density of mercury = ρ2 = (value not provided)
Atmospheric pressure = P = 748 mmHg (millimeters of mercury)
Acceleration due to gravity = g = 9.8 m/s^2

To solve for the height of the barometer column in meters, we need the density of 1-iodododecane. Unfortunately, the density is missing from the question, so we cannot provide an accurate answer without that information.

You would need to provide the density of 1-iodododecane in order to calculate the height of the barometer column accurately.