Write down what you learn about Herbert, Mr. White, and Mrs. White from their reactions to the paw.

Ms.WHite: She didn't think if you asked for something you'd get something taken away for that wish.

Mr.WHite: he seemed to only want the the paw for show but, when he new its get power he took advantage of it.

Herbet: He thought it was a joke

Are these sentences what you learned about these three people?

What your wrote about Mr. White doesn't make sense.

-__- thanks for help

From the given information, we can learn several things about Herbert, Mr. White, and Mrs. White based on their reactions to the paw:

1. Mrs. White: She expresses surprise and disbelief when the paw is mentioned. She believes that if someone asks for something, they shouldn't have something taken away in return. This suggests that she is skeptical about the concept of the paw having the power to grant wishes and potentially cause negative consequences.

2. Mr. White: Initially, Mr. White seems dismissive and uninterested in the paw, possibly considering it as just an item for show. However, when he realizes the power it possesses, he becomes interested and takes advantage of it. This indicates that he is willing to exploit any opportunity that enables him to gain power or have his desires fulfilled.

3. Herbert: Based on his reaction, Herbert sees the paw as a joke. He may not believe in its supernatural powers and treats it as something not to be taken seriously. This suggests that he is more rational and skeptical compared to his parents.

Overall, we can observe that Mrs. White is doubtful about the paw's abilities, Mr. White is opportunistic and willing to use the paw to his advantage, and Herbert finds the whole idea amusing and sees it as nothing more than a joke.