Generate the first five terms in the sequence using the explicit formula;

Please explain

I think i figured it out 1,13,25,37,49

Your answer is correct. Also what about potatoes? We have a code Eugene here.

What did you figure out. Hope you don't eat potatoes for dinner.

To generate the first five terms in the sequence using the explicit formula, we substitute the values of n from 1 to 5 into the formula Cn = 12n - 11.

1. For n = 1:
C1 = 12(1) - 11 = 12 - 11 = 1

2. For n = 2:
C2 = 12(2) - 11 = 24 - 11 = 13

3. For n = 3:
C3 = 12(3) - 11 = 36 - 11 = 25

4. For n = 4:
C4 = 12(4) - 11 = 48 - 11 = 37

5. For n = 5:
C5 = 12(5) - 11 = 60 - 11 = 49

Therefore, the first five terms in the sequence generated by the explicit formula Cn = 12n - 11 are:
1, 13, 25, 37, 49.

To generate each term, you simply substitute the value of n into the formula and calculate the result.

what don't you understand here?