Or can someone show me how to put it in the calcuator. Please

Of course! I'll be happy to help you learn how to input a calculation into a calculator.

First, you'll need to turn on your calculator and make sure it's ready to accept input.

Then, identify the mathematical expression you want to calculate. For example, let's say you want to calculate 5 + 3.

Most calculators have a keypad with numbers and operators (+, -, *, /, etc.) on it.

To input the number 5, simply press the number 5 on the calculator's keypad.

Next, you'll want to input the addition operator (+) to represent the operation you want to perform. Press the + key on your calculator.

Finally, input the second number you want to add, which in this case is 3. Press the number 3 key on your calculator.

At this point, you should see the entire expression "5 + 3" displayed on your calculator's screen.

To obtain the result, press the equals (=) key. On most calculators, this is represented by the "=" symbol.

After pressing the equals key, the calculator should perform the calculation and display the result. For the example of 5 + 3, you should see 8 on the calculator's screen.

Remember, different calculators may have slightly different layouts and input methods, but the general principles I've described should apply to most basic calculators.