Alicia has 4 yards of ribbon. She needs 1/3 yard to make 1 bow .How many bows can Alicia make?


She can make 12 bows.

To find out how many bows Alicia can make, divide 4 yards by 1/3

and you will get the answer that Victoria provided.


okay Boomer

To determine how many bows Alicia can make with 4 yards of ribbon, we need to divide the total length of ribbon by the length required for each bow.

Let's convert the 4 yards of ribbon into fraction form. Since 1 yard is equal to 3 feet, and there are 3 feet in every yard, we have 4 yards = 4 * 3 = 12 feet.
Therefore, Alicia has 12/1 = 12 feet of ribbon.

Now, we need to calculate how many bows Alicia can make with the given length of ribbon. Since she needs 1/3 yard to make 1 bow, we need to convert 1/3 yard to feet.

1 yard = 3 feet, so 1/3 yard = (1/3) * 3 feet = 1 foot.

Now we can divide Alicia's total length of ribbon (12 feet) by the length required for each bow (1 foot):
12 feet / 1 foot = 12 bows.

Therefore, Alicia can make 12 bows using her 4 yards of ribbon.