If you told us which vocabulary you are currently studying it could help narrow down the words.

can someone help me unscramble these?
it's in spanish.

tabonca tishces

well, i figured out all of the above, except for "tconserede"
i'm currently studying childhood experiences, personal reactions, and family relationships. this unscrambled word fits into the following sentence:
Si quieres _______, puedes ir debajo de la cama.
"If you wwant to ___, you can go under your bed." ?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Giving the sentence the scrambled word is to fit in makes it so much easier! Here you are looking for "esconderte" = If you want to hide, you can go under your bed.

To unscramble the word "tconserede", you can try rearranging the letters to see if they form a recognizable Spanish word. However, if you are unable to figure it out, you can use online tools like anagram solvers or word unscramblers to quickly find the correct word.

In this case, the unscrambled word is "esconderte", which means "to hide". So the complete sentence is "Si quieres esconderte, puedes ir debajo de la cama" which translates to "If you want to hide, you can go under your bed."