Alicia has 4 yards of ribbon. She needs 1/3 yard to make 1 bow .How many bows can Alicia make?


To find out how many bows Alicia can make with 4 yards of ribbon, you need to divide the total length of the ribbon by the length needed for one bow.

First, convert the length of the ribbon to the same unit as the length needed for one bow. Since the ribbon is given in yards and the length needed for one bow is given in fractions of a yard, we can convert 4 yards to fractions of a yard by multiplying it by 3 (since there are 3 fractions of a yard in 1 yard):

4 yards * 3 = 12 fractions of a yard

Now, we can divide the total length of the ribbon by the length needed for one bow:

12 fractions of a yard / (1/3 fraction of a yard) = 12 * (3/1) = 36 bows

Therefore, Alicia can make 36 bows with 4 yards of ribbon.

4 / ( 1 / 3 ) = 4 * 3 = 12


1 / 3 yard to make 1 bow

1 yard to make 3 bow

4 * 3 = 12