how do I find the volume of a rectangular prism height 2 ft, width 5 1/2 ft length 9 3/8 ft?

Multiply the height times the width times the length.

Hint: It would be easier to use decimals.
2 * 5.5 * 9.375 = ?

To find the volume of a rectangular prism, you need to multiply its length, width, and height. In this case, the height is given as 2 ft, the width is 5 1/2 ft, and the length is 9 3/8 ft.

To multiply a mixed number, such as 5 1/2 ft, with a whole number, like 2 ft, you should convert the mixed number into an improper fraction.

Converting 5 1/2 ft to an improper fraction:
Multiply the whole number (5) by the denominator (2), then add the numerator (1) to the result. This gives you 11.
The denominator remains the same, so the improper fraction is 11/2 ft.

Converting 9 3/8 ft to an improper fraction:
Multiply the whole number (9) by the denominator (8), then add the numerator (3) to the result. This gives you 75.
The denominator remains the same, so the improper fraction is 75/8 ft.

Now that we have converted the dimensions to improper fractions, we can calculate the volume of the rectangular prism:

Volume = length × width × height

Substituting the values:
Volume = 9 3/8 ft × 5 1/2 ft × 2 ft

To multiply the fractions together, you can multiply the numerators (9 × 5 × 2) and the denominators (8 × 2 × 1).

This gives us:
Volume = (9/1) × (3/8) × (11/2)

Multiply the numerators together:
Volume = (9 × 3 × 11) / (1 × 8 × 2)

Simplifying the numerator:
Volume = 297 / 16 ft³

Therefore, the volume of the rectangular prism is 297/16 ft³ or approximately 18.56 ft³.