I have a 76 average right now, what grades do I need to get if i have 5 more tests and need to get an 85 average?

Depends on how many tests you have already taken. If you have taken n tests so far, then the average on the next 5 tests must be m, where

76n + 5m = 85(n+5)
m = 85 + 9/5 n

Assuming all tests are weighted equally. As you can see, the more low scores you have contributing to the 76 average, the higher grade it will take to achieve a final 85.

In fact, if you have 9 low scores, there is no way to raise your average to 85 with 5 more tests.

9*76 = 684
14*85 = 1190
Points needed: 506
no way to get that many points in 5 tests.

To determine the grades you need to get on your remaining tests in order to achieve an 85 average, we'll need to consider the weights of each test and your current average.

Here are the steps to calculate the grades you need:

1. Determine the weight of each test: First, you need to determine if each test has equal weight or if some tests carry more weight than others. If all tests have equal weight, you can skip this step. Otherwise, note down the weight of each test.

2. Calculate the total weight of all completed tests: Multiply the number of tests you have taken so far by the weight of each test. For example, if you have taken 3 tests with a weight of 20% each, the total weight would be 3 * 20% = 60%.

3. Calculate your current weighted average: Multiply your current average (76) by the total weight calculated in step 2. For example, if your average is 76 and your total weight is 60%, your weighted average would be 76 * 0.60 = 45.6.

4. Calculate the remaining weight: Subtract the total weight calculated in step 2 from 100%. In the example above, the remaining weight would be 100% - 60% = 40%.

5. Set up the equation: Let's assume you need to get the same grade on each of the remaining 5 tests. You can set up the equation (45.6 + 5x) / (60% + 5*weight of each test) = 85%, where 'x' represents the grade you need to get on each of the remaining tests.

6. Solve the equation: Rearrange the equation to solve for 'x'. In the example equation above, you'd solve for 'x' using algebraic methods. This will give you the desired grades you need to get on the remaining tests.

It's important to note that the specific grades you need on your remaining tests will depend on various factors, such as the weight of each test and the actual grades you received on previous tests. Adjust the steps above based on your specific situation to determine the grades you need to achieve your desired average.