If you poked 3 holes in a vertical line in a bottle filled with water, which hole will spurt water the furthest? Why?

-thanks so much for your help!

Assuming the top of the bottle is open...

If you measured the water pressure at each hole, which hole would have the greatest pressure?

If you poke 3 holes in a vertical line in a bottle filled with water, the hole that will spurt water the furthest will be the lowest hole.

This is because the water pressure at the bottom of the bottle is higher due to the weight of the water pushing down. This higher pressure will cause the water to spurt out more forcefully from the lowest hole compared to the holes above it.

The pressure at any given point in a liquid is directly proportional to the depth of the liquid above that point. So, the higher the hole is in the bottle, the less pressure it will have, resulting in a shorter spurt of water.

To determine which hole will spurt water the furthest in a bottle filled with water after poking three holes in a vertical line, you need to consider the principles of fluid dynamics and pressure.

The flow rate of water through a hole is determined by Bernoulli's principle, which states that as the velocity of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases. In this case, the hole that is located highest in the vertical line will have the highest velocity and therefore spurt water the furthest.

The reason for this is that the pressure at the bottom of the bottle is higher due to the weight of the water above it, while the pressure at the top is lower. When the holes are opened, the water will flow out of each hole, but the hole closest to the top will experience the greatest pressure difference and therefore have the highest velocity.

So, in summary, the hole located closest to the top of the vertical line in the bottle will spurt water the furthest because it experiences the highest pressure difference, resulting in a higher velocity of water flow.