East Battle Lake in Minnesota covers an area of about 1950 acres or 8.5X10^7 square feet and its average depth is about 3.2x10^1 feet. a. Estimate the cubic feet of water in the lake. (hint: Volume=area x average depth.) b. One cubic foot of water equals about 7.5 gallons. How many gallons of water are in this lake?


(2.72x10^10)(7.5)=2.04x10^11 gallons or 204 000 000 000 gallons

To estimate the cubic feet of water in East Battle Lake in Minnesota, we can use the formula: Volume = Area x Average Depth.

a. The area of the lake is given as 8.5 × 10^7 square feet, and the average depth is given as 3.2 × 10^1 feet. We can plug these values into the formula to find the volume:

Volume = (8.5 × 10^7 square feet) × (3.2 × 10^1 feet)
Volume = 2.72 × 10^9 cubic feet

So, the estimated cubic feet of water in the lake is approximately 2.72 × 10^9 cubic feet.

b. Now, we need to convert cubic feet to gallons. We are given that 1 cubic foot of water equals about 7.5 gallons.

To convert the cubic feet into gallons, we can multiply the volume by the conversion factor:

2.72 × 10^9 cubic feet × 7.5 gallons/cubic foot

To multiply these numbers, we need to use the rules of exponents:

2.72 × 7.5 × 10^9 cubic feet × gallons/cubic foot

Multiplying 2.72 and 7.5 gives us:

20.4 × 10^9 cubic feet × gallons

By rearranging the terms, we can express the result in scientific notation:

2.04 × 10^10 gallons

Therefore, there are approximately 2.04 × 10^10 gallons of water in East Battle Lake.