On first day you receive 1 cent on the second day 2 cents on the third day you get 4 cents and so on for 28 days. How much would you expect to receive on the last day of the month ?




first day 2^0, second day 2^1, third day 2^2 and so on...

until the last day the money you expected to receive:
2^0+2^1+2^2+...+2^27=268435455 cents

To determine how much you would expect to receive on the last day of the month, you need to understand the pattern of the given sequence.

In this scenario, you receive double the amount of money each day compared to the previous day, starting from 1 cent.

So, on the first day, you receive 1 cent.
On the second day, you receive 2 cents (double of 1 cent).
On the third day, you receive 4 cents (double of 2 cents).
And so on, continuing this pattern for 28 days.

To find the amount you would expect to receive on the last day of the month, you can calculate the double of the amount you received on the previous day and continue that pattern until you reach the 28th day.

Let's calculate the total amount received on each day and see how it progresses:

Day 1: 1 cent
Day 2: 2 cents
Day 3: 4 cents
Day 4: 8 cents
Day 5: 16 cents
Day 6: 32 cents
Day 7: 64 cents
Day 28: $2,147,483.68

The pattern continues by doubling the previous amount each day. So, on the 28th day, you would expect to receive $2,147,483.68.