He washes the dishes every day.

How do you pronounce 'washes the' in fast speech?
Do we have to pronounce /wash the/ or /wshes uh/?

It sounds like this: wash-z-the (the e is almost not pronounced)

In fast speech, the phrase "washes the" can be pronounced as /wʌʃəz ði/. Let's break it down:

1. "Washes" can be pronounced as /wʌʃəz/. Here's how to pronounce it:
- Start with the "w" sound, as in "we" or "will".
- Then, pronounce the "a" sound as in "cat" or "hat".
- After that, pronounce the "sh" sound, like in "she" or "shoe".
- Finally, end with the "əz" sound, which is a short "uh" sound followed by a "z" sound.

2. "The" is pronounced as /ði/. Here's how to pronounce it:
- Start with the "th" sound, as in "think" or "thumb".
- Then, pronounce the short "i" sound, as in "sit" or "hit".

So, when speaking quickly, you can combine these pronunciations to say /wʌʃəz ði/.