Do you know any good, free audio dictionary-type websites that speack chinese?

Yes, there are several good, free audio dictionary websites that can help you with Chinese pronunciation and vocabulary. One popular option is Forvo (, which is a user-generated online dictionary with pronunciations in various languages, including Chinese. To use it, you can simply search for a word in Chinese, and you will find audio recordings of native speakers pronouncing the word.

Another option is YouDao (, which is a comprehensive online dictionary that includes audio pronunciations. You can search for Chinese words in English or vice versa and listen to the audio pronunciation of each word.

In addition, MDBG ( is a useful online Chinese-English dictionary that provides audio pronunciations. It offers detailed information about each word, including multiple meanings, sample sentences, and stroke order for writing Chinese characters.

By utilizing these websites, you can not only find the definition of words but also listen to their pronunciations by native speakers, which is crucial for improving your Chinese language skills.