s+7t is equivalent expreesion of multiplication

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To convert a multiplication expression into an equivalent addition expression, you can use the distributive property.

Let's say you have an expression, a * b. To convert this into an addition expression, you can write it as a + a + a + ... + a (b times). Here, you are essentially adding a to itself b times.

Similarly, for the multiplication expression s * 7t, you can write it as s + s + s + ... + s (7t times). Here, you are adding s to itself 7t times.

To simplify this expression, you can combine like terms. In this case, you have s + s + s + ... + s a total of 7t times. This can be simplified as 7t * s or written as 7st.

Therefore, the equivalent addition expression for the multiplication expression s * 7t is 7st.