If 1 gram of sugar is 4 Calories(kcal) how many calories are in one sugar cube

How much does 1 sugar cube weigh?

4 kcal x mass 1 cube/1 = ?

To determine how many calories are in one sugar cube, we need to know the weight of a sugar cube. Unfortunately, the weight of a sugar cube can vary depending on its size and brand. However, the most common weight of a sugar cube is around 2.3 grams.

Since we know that 1 gram of sugar is 4 calories, we can calculate the number of calories in one sugar cube:

Calories in one sugar cube = (Weight of one sugar cube in grams) x (Calories per gram of sugar)

Based on the average weight of 2.3 grams for a sugar cube:

Calories in one sugar cube = 2.3 grams x 4 calories/gram = 9.2 calories

Therefore, one sugar cube typically contains around 9.2 calories. However, please note that this is an estimate and may vary depending on the weight and density of the specific sugar cube you are using.