How would I find the right window to graph a parabola in? The equation is -8874.6x+113537.2 My teacher said that if the parabola should be tight. But I can't seem to graph this equation. I don't know window I should use on my graphic calculator for this equation.

To graph a parabola using a graphic calculator, you'll need to determine a suitable window that will display the entire parabolic curve. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Start by considering the coefficient of the squared term in your equation. In this case, the coefficient is -8874.6x. Since this value is negative, you can expect the parabola to open downwards.

2. To determine the window for your graphing calculator, you'll need to find the maximum and minimum x-values that will contain the entire curve. One option is to set up a table of x-values and corresponding y-values to get an idea of the overall shape of the parabola.

3. Begin by entering a range of x-values in your calculator's "WINDOW" or "ZOOM" settings. A good starting point might be to set the minimum x-value to -10 and the maximum x-value to 10.

4. Plot the graph. If the parabola doesn't fit within the graphing window, consider adjusting the range of x-values. For example, if the curve is too squeezed, you can increase the range, such as setting the minimum x-value to -20 and the maximum x-value to 20.

5. Keep adjusting the window until you find a suitable range that displays the entire curve without it being too squeezed or stretched. You want the graph to be tight enough so that all the important features of the parabola are visible.

6. Additionally, adjust the y-axis range to determine the appropriate vertical scale. You may also need to consider the y-intercept and the vertex of the parabola to ensure they are within the window.

Remember, different graphic calculators might have slightly different processes or terminology, but the general idea remains the same. Experiment with different window settings until you find the one that best fits your particular parabolic equation.