Kevin needs to convert 620 millimeters per minute to meters per hour. Which conversion factors should he use?

A. 0.001m/1mm and 1h/60min

B. 0.001m/1mm and 60min/1h

C. 1mm/0.001m and 1h/60min

D. 1mm/0.001m and 60min/1h


I belive it is c. but im sure mrs. sue could help you oh and please help with my question!!!!

mm/min * 1m/1000mm * 60min/hr = m/hr

Looks like (B)

To convert from millimeters per minute to meters per hour, Kevin needs to use the appropriate conversion factors. The conversion factors need to cancel out the units he wants to get rid of (millimeters and minutes) and replace them with the units he wants to end up with (meters and hours).

In this case, Kevin wants to convert millimeters to meters, so he should use the conversion factor 0.001m/1mm, which means that there are 0.001 meters in 1 millimeter.

Kevin also wants to convert minutes to hours, so he should use the conversion factor 1h/60min, which means that there are 1 hour in 60 minutes.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B: 0.001m/1mm and 60min/1h.