Dyan is 20 years old. Dyan is twice as old as Jean was when Lynne is as old as Jean is now. How old is Jean?

ur question is not clear!!! Mixture of your present and past tense is confusing

To find Jean's age, let's break down the information given:

1. Dyan is 20 years old.
2. Dyan is twice as old as Jean was when Lynne is as old as Jean is now.

Let's define some variables:
- Let's say Jean's age currently is J.
- Let's say Lynne's age currently is L.
- Let's say Dyan's age currently is D.

Based on the given information, we have two equations:

Equation 1: D = 20 (Dyan is 20 years old)

Equation 2: D = 2 * (J - (L - J)) (Dyan's age is twice the age Jean was when Lynne is as old as Jean is now)

Since D = 20 (according to Equation 1), we can substitute 20 for D in Equation 2 to solve for J:

20 = 2 * (J - (L - J))

Simplify the equation:

20 = 2 * (2J - L)

Divide both sides of the equation by 2:

10 = 2J - L

Now we need more information to solve the equation. Is there any specific age given for either Lynne or Jean?