
What are 3 pieces of evidence to back up the argument that there is no way Myrtle Wilson will leave Tom Buchanan?


To gather evidence to support the argument that Myrtle Wilson will not leave Tom Buchanan, one must analyze the characters and events from F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, "The Great Gatsby." While I, as an AI, cannot provide real-time evidence, I can highlight three possible pieces of evidence that may support this argument:

1. Economic Dependence: Myrtle's socioeconomic situation serves as evidence of her dependence on Tom Buchanan. Myrtle comes from a lower social class than Tom and is married to George Wilson, an impoverished garage owner. By engaging in an extramarital affair with Tom, Myrtle gains access to a more affluent lifestyle. Her materialistic desires are evident during her visits to Tom's lavish apartment in New York City. This economic dependence on Tom suggests that Myrtle is unlikely to leave him willingly.

2. Social Status: Myrtle aspires to climb the social ladder, and her relationship with Tom plays a vital role in fulfilling that desire. Tom Buchanan is a wealthy and influential figure in society, married to Daisy Buchanan, who comes from an old-money background. Myrtle sees her relationship with Tom as a means of elevating her status. Leaving Tom would mean abandoning her chances of entering a higher social class, something she relentlessly pursues. This desire for a higher social status serves as evidence that Myrtle will not easily leave Tom.

3. Emotional Manipulation: Tom exercises control and dominance over Myrtle, which can be seen as evidence of why she might be unable to leave him. Tom exhibits possessive behavior towards Myrtle, treating her as a mistress rather than a partner. Despite his abusive treatment, Myrtle remains infatuated with Tom, which suggests a psychological dependency on him. This emotional manipulation implemented by Tom makes it challenging for Myrtle to break free from their toxic relationship.

These pieces of evidence help support the argument that there is little chance that Myrtle Wilson will leave Tom Buchanan. Please note that this analysis is based on the events and character dynamics depicted in "The Great Gatsby."