The attendance at a baseball game was 400 people. Student tickets cost $2.00 and adult tickets cost $3.00. Total ticket sales were $1050. How many tickets of each type were sold?

number of students --- x

number of adults---- 400-x

solve for x

2x + 3(400-x) = 1050

Just noticed that your same question has now been asked and answered 6 times

As a matter of fact I answered this same one in Oct 2011, doing it exactly the same way.
Who would have thought ??

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations.

Let's represent the number of student tickets sold as "S" and the number of adult tickets sold as "A".

According to the given information, we know that the total attendance at the game was 400 people. So we can write the equation:

S + A = 400 ---(Equation 1)

We are also told that the total ticket sales were $1050. Since student tickets cost $2.00 and adult tickets cost $3.00, we can write the equation:

2S + 3A = 1050 ---(Equation 2)

Now we can solve these two equations simultaneously to find the values of S and A.

First, let's solve Equation 1 for S:

S = 400 - A

Now substitute this value of S into Equation 2:

2(400 - A) + 3A = 1050

Simplify and solve for A:

800 - 2A + 3A = 1050
800 + A = 1050
A = 1050 - 800
A = 250

Now substitute the value of A back into Equation 1 to find S:

S + 250 = 400
S = 400 - 250
S = 150

Therefore, 150 student tickets and 250 adult tickets were sold.