A pair of ordinary jeans at A-Mart costs $50 less than a pair of designer jeans at Enrico's. In fact, you can buy four pairs of A-Mart jeans for less than one pair of Enrico's jeans. What is the price range for a pair of A-Mart jeans?

About 10 to 15 bucks a piece

My mom says about 12 bucks a piece

To find the price range for a pair of A-Mart jeans, we need to analyze the given information. Let's assume that the price of one pair of Enrico's jeans is represented by x (in dollars).

According to the information given, a pair of ordinary jeans at A-Mart costs $50 less than a pair of designer jeans at Enrico's. So the price for a pair of A-Mart jeans would be (x - $50).

It is also mentioned that you can buy four pairs of A-Mart jeans for less than one pair of Enrico's jeans. This implies that the price for four pairs of A-Mart jeans is less than the price of one pair of Enrico's jeans.

Mathematically, we can express this as:
4 * (x - $50) < x

Now we can solve this inequality to find the price range for a pair of A-Mart jeans:

4x - $200 < x
3x < $200
x < $200 / 3

Simplifying, we conclude that the price of one pair of Enrico's jeans, represented by x, must be less than $200 / 3, or approximately $66.67.

Therefore, the price range for a pair of A-Mart jeans would be less than $66.67 - $50, which is less than approximately $16.67.

So, the price range for a pair of A-Mart jeans can be estimated to be less than $16.67.