the strategies we use when reading informational texts are

When reading informational texts, there are several strategies you can use to enhance your understanding and retention of the content. Here are a few strategies to consider:

1. Preview the text: Start by skimming through the text and take note of headings, subheadings, topic sentences, and any other text features that can give you an overview of the content.

2. Set a purpose: Determine why you are reading the text. Whether it's to gather specific information, understand a concept, or develop a general understanding, having a purpose helps you stay focused.

3. Activate prior knowledge: Connect what you already know about the topic to the content of the text. This will help you make sense of new information and create mental hooks to remember it better.

4. Highlight or annotate: As you read, underline or highlight key points, unfamiliar terms, or anything that stands out. These annotations will serve as visual cues when you review the text later.

5. Take notes: Summarize key ideas or write down relevant details. This can be done by either paraphrasing or using your own words. Note-taking helps reinforce your understanding and serves as a reference for future use.

6. Ask questions: Interact with the text by asking yourself questions about the material. Try to answer these questions as you read, or mark them for further exploration.

7. Monitor comprehension: Regularly check your understanding of the text by pausing and summarizing what you've read. If you feel confused or find yourself losing focus, reread or review the previous section.

8. Visualize: Create mental images of the text's content to aid your comprehension. Picture diagrams, graphs, or scenes described in the text to help you conceptualize the information better.

9. Make connections: Relate the material to your own experiences or other knowledge areas. Linking new information to something familiar makes it easier to grasp and remember.

10. Reflect and review: After reading, take a few minutes to reflect on what you've learned. Summarize the main points, identify any gaps in your understanding, and consider how the new knowledge fits into your existing knowledge base.

Remember, these strategies are highly adaptable, and adjusting them to fit your own reading style and preferences is essential. Regular practice and improvement come with time, so don't hesitate to experiment with different approaches until you find what works best for you.