a+h a

_____ -- ______
a+h+1 a+1

To simplify the expression (a+h)/(a+h+1) - a/(a+1), we need to create a common denominator for the fractions.

The common denominator will be (a+h+1) * (a+1).

Now, let's find the numerators:

For the first fraction, (a+h)/(a+h+1), the numerator is (a+h).

For the second fraction, a/(a+1), the numerator is a.

So, rewriting the expression with the common denominator, we have:

[(a+h)*(a+1)]/[(a+h+1)*(a+1)] - a*(a+h+1)/[(a+1)*(a+h+1)].

Now, we can combine the fractions and simplify further:

[(a^2 + ah + a + h) - a^2 - ah - a]/[(a+1)*(a+h+1)].

Simplifying further:

[(a^2 + ah + a + h - a^2 - ah - a)]/[(a+1)*(a+h+1)].

Now, let's simplify the numerator:

(a^2 - a^2) + (ah - ah) + (a - a) + h]/[(a+1)*(a+h+1)].

After cancelling out like terms, we are left with just h in the numerator:


So, the simplified expression is h/[(a+1)*(a+h+1)].