Chloe and Nick are meeting at the library. The library is 4.61 kilometers from Chloe's house and 3.256 kilometers from Nick's house. How much farther, in kilometers, will Chloe walk than Nick?


4.61 - 3.256 = ?


To find out how much farther Chloe will walk than Nick, we need to subtract the distance from Nick's house to the library from the distance from Chloe's house to the library.

First, let's calculate Chloe's distance:

Chloe's distance = 4.61 kilometers

Next, let's calculate Nick's distance:

Nick's distance = 3.256 kilometers

Now, we will subtract Nick's distance from Chloe's distance to find out how much farther Chloe will walk:

Chloe's distance - Nick's distance = 4.61 kilometers - 3.256 kilometers

To subtract these two distances, line up the decimal points and subtract each corresponding digit:

- 3.256

Therefore, Chloe will walk 1.354 kilometers farther than Nick.