A car rental charges $25 a day plus.15 a mile for a compact car.Tess owes $61.40 for a two day rental. Which equation could be used to find the number of miles she drove.

we see that for m miles, the cost c is

c = 25 + .15m
(c-25)/.15 = m

so, m = (61.40-25)/.15

To find the equation that can be used to determine the number of miles Tess drove, let's break down the given information.

We know that the car rental charges $25 per day and an additional $0.15 per mile for a compact car. Tess owes $61.40 for a two-day rental.

Let's denote the number of miles Tess drove as 'm'.

For a two-day rental, the total cost consists of two components: the daily charge and the additional charge per mile.

The daily charge for a two-day rental would be 25 * 2 = $50.

The additional charge per mile would be 0.15 * m = 0.15m.

Therefore, the total cost for a two-day rental can be represented by the equation:

Total Cost = Daily Charge + Additional Charge per Mile

$61.40 = $50 + 0.15m

So, the equation that can be used to find the number of miles Tess drove is:

0.15m = $61.40 - $50

Simplifying the equation further:

0.15m = $11.40