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Are all squares similar?

I think that they aren't but i'm not sure. I think this because rectangles can be squares and rectangles can take different forms and shapes. Please help

What do you mean by square? A square will always have a 4 sides and angles equal. Opposite sides are parallel. Is this what you needed? Please be more clear.

I mean if you compare squares will they always be similar such as same shape diferrent size. For example all rectangles are NOT similar because some are thin others can be wider. But I think i already found an answer THANKS FOR HELPING ME ANYWAY!!! :)

All squares are similar.

are all squares similar???????

How are they all similar?

Well, let's break it down. All squares have four sides and four right angles, which makes them all quadrilaterals. The sides of a square are all equal in length, and opposite sides are parallel. So, if you compare two squares, they will have the same shape, just different sizes. And since similarity refers to having the same shape but different sizes, we can say that all squares are similar. They may vary in size, but their overall shape remains the same. So, to answer your question, yes, all squares are similar. And that's just the way they roll, or should I say, square!

Yes, all squares are similar. When we say that shapes are similar, it means that they have the same shape, but their sizes may be different. In the case of squares, they are all similar because they have four equal sides and four right angles. The ratio of their corresponding side lengths will always be the same, regardless of their size. This is what makes squares similar to each other. So, if you compare any two squares, you will find that they have the same shape, but one may be larger or smaller than the other.