Solve for the specified variable in each formula or literal equation

Sn=n(a1+an/2) for n (sequences)

Your formula is not correct, it should be

Sn = n(a + l)/2 or (n/2)(first + last)

your equation makes no sense

I like to change this(1023.065476) whole number into a mix-number to find the volume of the sphere (6 1/4 in) using 22/7 for pie.

V= 4/322/7r^ 3

v= 4/3 *22/7*(6 1/4 in)^3
v=3/4 * 22/7 * 15625/64
v= 1023.065476 how to change to a mix-number?

To solve the formula Sn=n(a1+an/2) for n, we need to isolate the variable n on one side of the equation. Here's how we can do that:

Step 1: Distribute the n into the parentheses to simplify the equation:
Sn = na1 + nan/2

Step 2: Move the term containing n to one side of the equation:
Sn - na1 = nan/2

Step 3: Factor out the common factor of n on the right side of the equation:
Sn - na1 = n(an/2)

Step 4: Divide both sides of the equation by (an/2):
(Sn - na1)/(an/2) = n

Step 5: Simplify the right side of the equation:
2(Sn - na1)/an = n

Therefore, the solution for n is given by the equation:
n = 2(Sn - na1)/an