How can I balance the equation and place coefficients where they are needed for this question:

Na + Cl2 -> NaCl

please show all the correct steps for this answer because I really need help in understanding it.

Na + Cl_2 -> NaCl

2Na + Cl_2 -> 2NaCl

=2 Na of reactants & 2 Cl on reactants side

=2 Na on prod. side now & same for Cl

Try that.

To balance the equation Na + Cl2 -> NaCl, you need to make sure that the number of atoms on the left side of the equation is equal to the number of atoms on the right side.

1. Start by counting the number of atoms on each side of the equation. On the left side, there is 1 sodium (Na) atom and 2 chlorine (Cl) atoms. On the right side, there is 1 sodium (Na) atom and 1 chlorine (Cl) atom.

2. Since there are more chlorine atoms on the left side, we need to balance them first. To do this, place a coefficient of 2 in front of NaCl on the right side, making the equation: Na + Cl2 -> 2 NaCl.

3. Now, there are 2 sodium (Na) atoms on the right side, so we need to balance them on the left side. Place a coefficient of 2 in front of Na on the left side, making the final balanced equation: 2 Na + Cl2 -> 2 NaCl.

Now, the number of atoms on both sides of the equation is balanced: 2 sodium (Na) atoms on both sides and 2 chlorine (Cl) atoms on both sides.

To summarize, the steps to balance the equation Na + Cl2 -> NaCl are:

1. Count the number of atoms on each side.
2. Balance the element with the highest number of atoms first (in this case, chlorine).
3. Balance the remaining element (in this case, sodium).
4. Check that the number of atoms is now equal on both sides.