I had to interview someone in my class and write speech about them. I need help on how to start my speech. How to introduce the person. Are there any examples you can give me so I would read and then write my speech. Please help!!!!!

What information did you get in your interview? What impressed you the most about this person?

I got his date of birth and where he was born. I asked the place he have lived and places he wants to be. His favorite color, sport, food, pets, tv shows. Things that interests him, and who he wants to become when he grows up. I asked about his achievements and important things in his life.

I'd start the speech with either his most outstanding achievement or the most important thing in his life.

Thank you, I will post you my speech when i am done.

You're welcome. :-)


When introducing someone in a speech, it's important to create an engaging and informative introduction that captures the interest of your audience. Here are a few steps you can follow to start your speech:

1. Begin with a captivating opening: Start your introduction with a hook or attention-grabbing statement to immediately engage your audience. This could be a thought-provoking question, a surprising fact, or an interesting anecdote related to the person you are interviewing.

Example: "Imagine meeting someone who has not only excelled academically but has also dedicated their time to making a positive impact on their community. Today, I have the privilege of introducing [Name], a remarkable individual who embodies the true spirit of leadership and compassion."

2. Provide essential background information: Briefly outline who the person is and why they are worthy of your audience's attention. Highlight their accomplishments, notable experiences, or any relevant contributions they have made.

Example: "Throughout their academic journey, [Name] has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to their studies, consistently achieving top grades in their classes. Not only that, but they have also actively participated in various extracurricular activities, such as volunteering at local charities and leading community service initiatives."

3. Establish your connection to the person: Explain your relationship with the person you interviewed or state the reason why you chose them. This can add a personal touch and give credibility to your speech.

Example: "As their classmate and a witness to their incredible work ethic and dedication, I was inspired by [Name]'s achievements and felt compelled to share their story with all of you today. I believe their journey will not only inspire you but also remind us of the power of perseverance and the ability to make a difference."

4. Preview the main points of your speech: Provide a brief overview of the main ideas you will discuss in your speech. This helps your audience anticipate what they can expect and creates a structured framework for your presentation.

Example: "In this speech, we will delve into [Name]'s academic achievements, their impactful contributions to the community, and the qualities that make them a true role model for all. By the end, I hope you will be as inspired as I am by this exceptional individual."

Remember, you can personalize your introduction by adding specific details about the person and incorporating your own writing style. Adapt the examples provided to fit the unique qualities and accomplishments of the person you interviewed. Good luck with your speech!