It took Esteban 1 hour and a half to complete his math problems for homework. He spent 3 to 5 minutes working each problem. Which is a reasonable number of problems that Esteban completed for homework?


Shaquille O' Neal height measures 85 inches. The doorways in his home were designed so that he has 6 inches between the top of his head and the doorway. Which of the following is closest to the height of Shaquille's doorway in feet?

Both are correct.

The temperature was 52 degrees Farenheit at 7:00 A.M. It rose an average of 3 degrees Farenheit every 2 hours until 5:00 P.M. Which of the following could be the temperature at 4:00 P.M.?


At the start of the football game, the temperature was 70 degrees Fahrenheit. By 8:00 P.M., the temperature had dropped to 66 degrees Fahrenheit and continued to drop 4 degrees Fahrenheit each hour after that, At what time would the temperature reach 58 degrees Fahrenheit?

A.9:00 PM

The first is right. I disagree with your second answer.

Can you explain how come it isn't 11:00?

is it b

At 8 p.m. the temperature was 66 degrees.

It drops 4 degrees each hour.

At 9 p.m. it was 62 degrees.

At 10 p.m. it was 58 degrees.

So b. is correct.

To determine the number of math problems Esteban completed for homework, we can divide the total time he spent on homework by the time he took to solve each problem.

Given that Esteban took 1 hour and a half (1.5 hours) to complete his homework and spent 3 to 5 minutes working on each problem, we need to convert the time spent on each problem to hours. We can do this by dividing the minutes by 60.

Minimum time per problem: 3 minutes ÷ 60 = 0.05 hours
Maximum time per problem: 5 minutes ÷ 60 = 0.0833 hours

Now, we can find the reasonable number of problems Esteban completed by dividing the total time spent on homework by the range of time per problem.

Minimum number of problems: 1.5 hours ÷ 0.0833 hours/problem ≈ 18 problems
Maximum number of problems: 1.5 hours ÷ 0.05 hours/problem = 30 problems

Thus, a reasonable number of problems that Esteban completed for homework could be between 18 and 30 problems. Among the given options, the closest number within this range is option D, 20.

Therefore, the reasonable number of problems Esteban completed for homework is 20 (D).

As for Shaquille O'Neal's doorway height, we are given that his overall height is 85 inches, and there is a 6-inch gap between the top of his head and the doorway.

To find the height of the doorway, we subtract the 6-inch gap from his total height:

Doorway height = Total height - Gap
Doorway height = 85 inches - 6 inches
Doorway height = 79 inches

To convert inches to feet, we divide the total inches by 12:

Doorway height in feet = 79 inches ÷ 12
Doorway height in feet ≈ 6.58 feet

Among the given options, the closest height to 6.58 feet is option C, 8.

Therefore, the height of Shaquille O'Neal's doorway in feet is closest to 8 (C).