Read the following sentences write whether each underlined clause is the main clause or a subordinate clause

What's the definition of a clause?

Read the following sentences and decide what the underlined phrases mean. Then match them with the appropriate explanations.

A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb. It can be a standalone sentence or a part of a larger sentence. There are two types of clauses: main clauses (also known as independent clauses) and subordinate clauses (also known as dependent clauses).

Main clauses can function as standalone sentences because they express a complete thought.

Subordinate clauses, on the other hand, cannot stand alone as complete sentences, and they rely on a main clause to provide context and meaning.

To determine whether an underlined clause is a main clause or a subordinate clause, we need to consider its structure and function within the sentence.

To determine whether each underlined clause is the main clause or a subordinate clause, we need to understand the concept of a clause itself.

A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate. It can either stand alone as a complete sentence (main clause) or depend on another clause to form a complete sentence (subordinate clause).

Let's now review the given sentences to identify the type of clause in each case:

1. "What's the definition of a clause?"
In this sentence, the underlined clause is "What's the definition of a clause?", which functions as the main clause. It stands alone as a complete question sentence.

In this case, the underlined clause is the main clause.