1. Write the verb form for:


2. Write the verb form for:


3. Write the verb form for:


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yo hago

ellos hacen
nosotros hacemos

1. To find the verb form for "yo/hacer," we need to conjugate the verb "hacer" for the subject pronoun "yo" which means "I" in English. The infinitive form of the verb "hacer" means "to do" or "to make." To conjugate the verb in the present tense, we need to remove the -er ending and replace it with the appropriate ending for the subject pronoun. In this case, the -er ending of "hacer" is replaced with -go for the subject pronoun "yo." So, the verb form for "yo/hacer" is "hago" which means "I do" or "I make."

2. To find the verb form for "ellos/hacer," we need to conjugate the verb "hacer" for the subject pronoun "ellos" which means "they" in English. Using the same process as before, we remove the -er ending of "hacer" and replace it with the appropriate ending for the subject pronoun. In this case, the -er ending of "hacer" is replaced with -en for the subject pronoun "ellos." So, the verb form for "ellos/hacer" is "hacen" which means "they do" or "they make."

3. To find the verb form for "nosotros/hacer," we need to conjugate the verb "hacer" for the subject pronoun "nosotros" which means "we" in English. Once again, we remove the -er ending of "hacer" and replace it with the appropriate ending for the subject pronoun. In this case, the -er ending of "hacer" is replaced with -emos for the subject pronoun "nosotros." So, the verb form for "nosotros/hacer" is "hacemos" which means "we do" or "we make."