The curtis car traveled an average of 21 miles per gallon of gas. At that rate, how far could the car travel on a full tank of 21 gallons

1 gallon will take you 21 miles

21 gallons will take you 21(21) or 441 miles

To find out how far the car could travel on a full tank of 21 gallons, we need to multiply the average miles per gallon by the number of gallons in the tank.

Average miles per gallon = 21 miles
Number of gallons in the tank = 21 gallons

Distance traveled on a full tank = Average miles per gallon × Number of gallons in the tank

Distance traveled on a full tank = 21 miles/gallon × 21 gallons

To calculate this, we can simply multiply 21 miles/gallon by 21 gallons:

Distance traveled on a full tank = 21 × 21 = 441 miles

Therefore, the car could travel 441 miles on a full tank of 21 gallons.