The mass of a single barium atom is 2.28E-22 grams. How many barium atoms would there be in 182 milligrams of barium?

To find out how many barium atoms there are in 182 milligrams of barium, we need to use the given mass of a single barium atom.

First, let's convert the mass of the barium sample from milligrams to grams so that it matches the units of the mass of a single barium atom. We know that 1 gram is equal to 1000 milligrams, so:

182 milligrams = 182/1000 grams = 0.182 grams

Now, we can use the mass of a single barium atom (2.28E-22 grams) to calculate the number of atoms in the given mass.

Number of barium atoms = (Mass of the sample) / (Mass of a single barium atom)

Number of barium atoms = 0.182 grams / 2.28E-22 grams

To simplify this calculation, we can divide the values while keeping the exponent of 10, like so:

Number of barium atoms = 0.182 / (2.28 * 10^(-22))

Calculating this, we get:

Number of barium atoms ≈ 7.98245614E+20

Therefore, there would be approximately 7.98 x 10^20 barium atoms in 182 milligrams of barium.

To find how many barium atoms there would be in 182 milligrams of barium, we need to use the molar mass of barium to convert the mass into moles and then use Avogadro's number to convert moles into atoms.

1. Find the molar mass of barium (Ba) from the periodic table:
- Molar mass of Ba = 137.33 grams/mole

2. Convert the mass of barium into moles:
- Mass of barium = 182 milligrams = 0.182 grams
- Moles of Ba = Mass of Ba / Molar mass of Ba
= 0.182 g / 137.33 g/mol

3. Use Avogadro's number to convert moles into atoms:
- Avogadro's number = 6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol
- Number of atoms = Moles of Ba x Avogadro's number

Now let's calculate the number of barium atoms:

Number of atoms = (0.182 g / 137.33 g/mol) x (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol)

1 atom =2.28E-22 g and 182mg=0.182g

0.182g*(1 atom/2.28E-22 g)= number of barium atoms.