You and a friend each drive 50 km to the same destination. You travel at 88.5 km/h and your friend at 94.5 km/h.

How long will your friend wait for you at the end of the trip?
Answer in units of min

First, let's find out how long it takes for each of you to travel 50 km.

For you:
time = distance / speed
time = 50 km / 88.5 km/h = 0.5649717514 h

For your friend:
time = 50 km / 94.5 km/h = 0.5291005291 h

Now, we will subtract your friend's time from your time to find how long your friend will wait for you:
time_difference = 0.5649717514 h - 0.5291005291 h = 0.0358712223 h

Now, we want the answer in minutes, so we'll convert hours to minutes:
0.0358712223 h × (60 min / 1 h) = 2.152273338 min

Your friend will wait for you for about 2.15 minutes at the end of the trip.

To find out how long your friend will wait for you at the end of the trip, we need to first calculate the time it takes for each of you to travel the 50 km distance.

For you:
Distance = 50 km
Speed = 88.5 km/h

To find time, we'll use the formula: time = distance / speed
So, your travel time will be: time = 50 km / 88.5 km/h

For your friend:
Distance = 50 km
Speed = 94.5 km/h

Similarly, your friend's travel time will be: time = 50 km / 94.5 km/h

Now we can calculate the difference in travel times between you and your friend. The difference will indicate how long your friend has to wait for you.

Difference in travel times = Your friend's travel time - Your travel time

Finally, we'll convert the difference in travel times to minutes for the answer.

Here's the detailed calculation:

Your travel time: 50 km / 88.5 km/h = 0.564971751 hours
Your friend's travel time: 50 km / 94.5 km/h = 0.529100529 hours

Difference in travel times: 0.529100529 hours - 0.564971751 hours = -0.035871222 hours

Since the difference is negative, it means you arrived earlier than your friend.

To convert the difference to minutes, we multiply it by 60 (since there are 60 minutes in an hour):

Time your friend waits for you = -0.035871222 hours * 60 minutes/hour ≈ -2.15227333 minutes

Since you arrived earlier than your friend, your friend didn't wait for you. So, the approximate answer is that your friend doesn't wait for you at the end of the trip.

To find out how long your friend will wait for you at the end of the trip, we can calculate the time it will take for each of you to reach the destination and then subtract your time from your friend's time.

First, let's calculate the time it will take for you to reach the destination. We know that you travel at a speed of 88.5 km/h and the distance is 50 km.

Time taken by you = Distance / Speed = 50 km / 88.5 km/h.

Using these values, we can calculate your travel time.