7. 2x + 3(x – 2) – 3(x – 6) (1 point)

2x + 12
2x – 8
8x – 24
2x – 24

I do not understand how to do this.

Simplify by combining terms.

2x + 3(x – 2) – 3(x – 6)

2x + 3x - 6 - 3x + 18

2x + 12

Ok, Thank you!! I completely understand it know.

Can you please herlp me with this too?

A baseball bat and 8 baseballs cost $163.25. The bat costs $106.45. What is the cost c of one baseball? (1 point)

163.25 – 8c = 106.45; $33.71
8c + 106.45 = 163.25; $7.10
8c + 163.25 = 106.45; $7.10
8c – 106.45 = 163.25; $33.71

I think it is B.

Yes! B is right! :-)

I'm glad you understand that problem now.

You're welcome.

To solve this equation, you need to simplify the expression by using the distributive property and combining like terms.

Let's go through the steps:

Step 1: Distribute
To distribute the 3 to (x-2), multiply 3 by both x and -2. This gives you 3x - 6.
To distribute the -3 to (x-6), multiply -3 by both x and -6. This gives you -3x + 18.

Your expression now becomes: 2x + 3x - 6 - 3x + 18

Step 2: Combine like terms
Combine the like terms together. In this case, the like terms are the ones with the same variables raised to the same powers.
You have 2x + 3x - 3x, which simplifies to 2x.
You also have -6 + 18, which simplifies to 12.

So the expression now becomes: 2x + 12

Therefore, the correct answer is 2x + 12.