4. Classify the triangle with angles measuring 69º, 42º, and 69º.

6. List all of the quadrilaterals with exactly one pair of parallel sides.



#4 is an isosceles triangle bc a isosceles triangle is a triangle with (at least) two equal sides

Okay Thanks both of you.

4. To classify the triangle with angles measuring 69º, 42º, and 69º, we need to determine the relationship between the angles.

Step 1: Start by adding up the three angles:
69º + 42º + 69º = 180º

Step 2: If the sum of the angles is equal to 180º, then it is a valid triangle.

Step 3: Now, we need to examine the angles individually:
- Since two of the angles (69º and 69º) are equal, it is an isosceles triangle.
- The remaining angle (42º) is different, so it is not an equilateral triangle.

Therefore, the triangle with angles measuring 69º, 42º, and 69º is an isosceles triangle.

6. To list all of the quadrilaterals with exactly one pair of parallel sides, we can use the properties of quadrilaterals to identify the specific type.

Step 1: Start with the definition of a quadrilateral - a polygon with four sides.

Step 2: Look for quadrilaterals that have one pair of parallel sides. Some examples include:
- Trapezoid: a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides.
- Parallelogram: a quadrilateral with opposite sides that are parallel and equal in length. Every parallelogram is also a trapezoid.

Other types of quadrilaterals, such as rectangles, squares, and rhombuses, have more than one pair of parallel sides, so they do not fit the criteria of having exactly one pair.

Therefore, the quadrilaterals with exactly one pair of parallel sides are trapezoids and parallelograms.