What is the integral of


Divided By


Using partial fractions

Substitute t = Log(x)/7

Integral is then proportional to:

Integral of dx/[x^2 + 13 x + 36] =

Integral of dx/[(x+4)(x+9)]

1/[(x+4)(x+9)] = A/(x+4) + B/(x+9)

Multiply both sides by x+4 and take limit x to -4:

1/5 = A

Multiply both sides by x+9 and take limit x to -9:

1/5 = A

-1/5 = B

Thank you so much.

I've reached the last step of

(7/5) ln((x+4)/(x+9)

But how do I substitute the variable 't' back in?

t = Log(x)/7 ---->

x = exp(7 t)

To find the integral of the given expression using partial fractions, follow these steps:

Step 1: Factorize the denominator.
Rewrite the denominator as (e^14t + 13e^7t + 36) = [(e^7t)^2 + 13e^7t + 36]. Notice that this can be factored as (e^7t + 4)(e^7t + 9).

Step 2: Set up the partial fraction decomposition.
The partial fraction decomposition is given by:

7e^(7t)/[(e^7t + 4)(e^7t + 9)] = A/(e^7t + 4) + B/(e^7t + 9)

Step 3: Find the values of A and B.
Multiply both sides of the equation by the denominator to clear the fraction:

7e^(7t) = A(e^7t + 9) + B(e^7t + 4)

Now we can equate the coefficients of like powers of e^7t.

Coefficient of e^7t: 7 = A + B
Constant term: 0 = 9A + 4B

Solve the above system of equations to find the values of A and B.

Step 4: Integrate each term separately.
Now that we have found the values of A and B (by solving the system of equations from Step 3), we can integrate each term separately:

∫[7e^(7t)/[(e^7t + 4)(e^7t + 9)]] dt = A∫[1/(e^7t + 4)] dt + B∫[1/(e^7t + 9)] dt

The integrals of the above terms can be evaluated using integration techniques such as substitution or the natural logarithmic function, depending on the complexity of the expression.

Step 5: Simplify the integral.
After evaluating the integrals from Step 4, you will have the final expression for the integral of the given function.