The metric ton of CO2 product per gallons of gas can be calculated with the following.

8.78 x 10-3 metric tons of CO2 are emitted per gallon of gas.

Let say the gallon of gas is 1288. Would the CO2 produced be around 11.3 tons? Thanks

Yes. The units for emission in this problem is tons/gallon. So if you multiply by gallons [ gallons *tons/gallons] you cancel out the gallons and are left with units in tons

If it was 1040 gallons it would be around 9.1 tons right? Thanks Ken

To calculate the amount of CO2 produced from a given number of gallons of gas, you can use the conversion factor provided:

8.78 x 10-3 metric tons of CO2 per gallon of gas.

First, convert the given amount of gas from gallons to metric tons of CO2:

Multiply the given number of gallons (1288) by the conversion factor (8.78 x 10-3):

1288 gallons x (8.78 x 10-3 metric tons CO2 per gallon) = 11.2944 metric tons of CO2.

Rounding to the appropriate number of significant figures, the amount of CO2 produced would be approximately 11.3 metric tons.

So, based on the information provided, the CO2 produced from 1288 gallons of gas would be around 11.3 metric tons.