what are craft guilds similar to today?

labor unions or professional organizations

thank you so much Ms. Sue!

You're very welcome, Bethany.

Craft guilds were organizations that formed during the medieval period and aimed to protect the interests of artisans and tradespeople within a specific craft or trade. While craft guilds no longer exist in their traditional form today, there are a few analogous organizations that serve similar purposes. Here are a few examples:

1. Trade Unions: Trade unions are organizations that represent and advocate for the rights and interests of workers in a particular industry or profession. They negotiate with employers on behalf of their members regarding wages, working conditions, and other employment-related matters.

To find information about trade unions relevant to a specific industry, you can start by searching online for the trade union associated with that sector. For example, searching for "construction trade union" or "teachers union" will provide you with relevant results.

2. Professional Associations: Professional associations are bodies that bring together individuals working in a particular profession or occupation. These organizations aim to maintain professional standards, provide networking opportunities, offer educational resources, and advocate for the interests of their members.

To find professional associations, you can search online using keywords related to your profession or industry along with terms like "professional association" or "industry association." For instance, searching for "graphic design professional association" or "accounting industry association" will yield relevant results.

3. Entrepreneurship Networks: In recent years, entrepreneurship networks have emerged as platforms that connect entrepreneurs, startups, and small business owners. These networks often provide resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities to foster collaboration and growth.

To find entrepreneurship networks, you can search online using keywords like "entrepreneurship network" or "startup community." Additionally, you can explore local business associations or chambers of commerce that might offer resources and networking events for entrepreneurs.

Remember that the specific organizations and resources available may vary depending on your region, profession, or industry. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct targeted research based on your specific interests or needs.