A picture must be hung on a wall were the distance from the floor to ceiling is 8 feet. The center of the picture mist be 5 1/4 feet from the floor. Determine the distance from the ceiling to the top of the picture frame

How do I do this solve this? Thanks!
The picture is 24 inches wide and 28 inches high

make a sketch and work in inches

label the centre of the picture as P.

that point must be (8-5 1/4) ft or (96-63) inches or 33 inches from the ceiling.
from P to the top of the painting is 14 inches

so from the top of the painting to the ceiling must be
33 - 14 inches or 19 inches

hate it

Hhow'd you get 14 inches though?

Oh, never mond! 28 inches high /2 so you can find the area between ceiling and middle of painting.

Oh, never mind! 28 inches high /2 so you can find the area between ceiling and middle of painting.


To solve this problem, we need to find the distance from the ceiling to the top of the picture frame. Here is how you can do it:

1. Firstly, convert the measurements to the same unit. Since the length and width of the picture are given in inches, we need to convert the measurements to feet to match the given height of the room.

The picture is 24 inches wide, which is equivalent to 2 feet (24 inches / 12 inches per foot).
The picture is 28 inches high, which is equivalent to 2 1/3 feet (28 inches / 12 inches per foot).

2. Next, subtract the height of the picture from the distance between the floor and the center of the picture to find the distance from the floor to the top of the picture frame.

The distance from the floor to the center of the picture is 5 1/4 feet.
Subtracting the height of the picture (2 1/3 feet) from this will give us:
5 1/4 feet - 2 1/3 feet = 15/4 feet - 7/3 feet.

To subtract fractions, you need a common denominator. In this case, the least common denominator is 12. Multiply the fractions by appropriate factors to get a common denominator:

(15/4) * (3/3) = 45/12
(7/3) * (4/4) = 28/12

Now, subtract the fractions:
45/12 - 28/12 = 17/12 feet.

3. Finally, subtract the result obtained in step 2 from the height of the room to find the distance from the ceiling to the top of the picture frame.

The distance from the floor to the ceiling is 8 feet.
Subtracting the result from step 2 (17/12 feet) from this will give us:
8 feet - 17/12 feet.

To subtract fractions, you need a common denominator. In this case, the least common denominator is 12. Multiply the whole number (8) by 12 to get the same denominator:

(8 * 12) / 1 - (17/12) = 96/1 - 17/12 = 96/1 - 17/12.

Now, subtract the fractions:
96/1 - 17/12 = 1152/12 - 17/12 = 1135/12 feet.

Therefore, the distance from the ceiling to the top of the picture frame is 1135/12 feet or approximately 94.58 feet.