Kayla is 18 months old. She looked at Mrs. Crenshaw and said, "seblisboo." Mrs. Crenshaw did not understand any of what Kayla said, but her best response would be:

A. "Say that again slowly."
B. "Did you want to go outside?"
C. "Speak clearly. I can't understand you."
D. "You don't mean it!"

I'll be glad to check your answer.

a) Say that again slowly.

D is the best answer

say that again slowly

The best response for Mrs. Crenshaw would be A. "Say that again slowly." This is because Kayla is only 18 months old and may not have developed full language skills yet. By asking Kayla to repeat herself slowly, Mrs. Crenshaw is giving her the opportunity to communicate more clearly and potentially understand what she is trying to say. As a young child, Kayla's speech and language abilities are still developing, so it is important to be patient and give her the chance to express herself.