In a local marathon, Bob finished 60th out of 400 participants. What is his percentile ranking for this race?

60/400 = 0.15

0.15*100 = 15%

Percentile is not the same as percent. How will you use the percent to determine percentile?


340/400= 85th percentile?


To determine Bob's percentile ranking for the race, you need to find the percentage of participants he finished ahead of. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Calculate the percentage of participants Bob finished ahead of by dividing his ranking by the total number of participants and multiplying by 100:
Percentile = (Ranking / Total Participants) * 100

In this case, Bob finished 60th out of 400 participants:
Percentile = (60 / 400) * 100
Percentile = 0.15 * 100
Percentile = 15

Bob's percentile ranking for the race is 15%. This means he finished ahead of 15% of the participants.