If the pressure on a 2.50 mL gas sample were doubled from 0.500 atm to 1.00 atm, what would be gas volume at the new pressure?

my Answer
1.25 mL

if i'm wrong can you show me how u got to your answer please.

Go to the head of the class.

P1V1 = P2V2
0.500*2.50 = 1.00*V2
V2 = (0.500*2.50/1.00) = 1.25 mL.

To solve this question, you can use Boyle's Law, which states that the pressure and volume of a gas sample are inversely proportional at a constant temperature.

The formula for Boyle's Law is:

P₁V₁ = P₂V₂

P₁ is the initial pressure
V₁ is the initial volume
P₂ is the final pressure
V₂ is the final volume

P₁ = 0.500 atm
V₁ = 2.50 mL
P₂ = 1.00 atm (since the pressure is doubled)
V₂ = ?

We can plug in the values into the Boyle's Law equation:

(0.500 atm)(2.50 mL) = (1.00 atm)(V₂)

To solve for V₂, we can rearrange the equation:

V₂ = (0.500 atm)(2.50 mL) / (1.00 atm)

V₂ = 1.25 mL

Therefore, the gas volume at the new pressure of 1.00 atm would be 1.25 mL. Your answer of 1.25 mL is correct!