The distance on a map is given. Find the actual distance, if the scale on the map is 1 in.=60 miles.

2 3/4 in.

Please help! Thank you in advance.

2 3/4 in = 2.75 inches

so just multiply that by 60

2.75*60=165 miles

It would 165 miles.

ok, thank you.

u can also do this, but u can do it the easier way, in ur opinion

2 inches=120 miles
3/4 mile= 45 miles
u find that out by dividing the original 60 miles by 4 and then multiplying that by 3
120+45=165 miles

To find the actual distance corresponding to the given distance on a map, you need to use the scale of the map.

The scale of the map provided is 1 inch = 60 miles. This means that every inch on the map represents 60 miles in real-life.

To find the actual distance, you simply need to multiply the given distance on the map by the scale factor.

Given distance on the map: 2 3/4 inches.

To convert this to a mixed number, you can rewrite it as 11/4 inches.

Now, you can multiply the given distance on the map by the scale factor:

Actual distance = (Given distance on the map) x (Scale factor)
= (11/4 inches) x (60 miles/1 inch)

To cancel out the inches, you can multiply the numerator and denominator by 4:

Actual distance = (11 x 60) miles
= 660 miles

Therefore, the actual distance represented by 2 3/4 inches on the map is 660 miles.